We’re happy to report that we have already interviewed several scientists about their fascinating research and the math they use every day. Oceanographer Emmanuel Boss told us how he first got …
The latest update from M4S
The past few weeks have been busy ones for Math4Science. We have been working on creating a logo, putting together materials for the interim website, contacting scientists, and creating templates for …
The March for Science is personal for our founder
Our founder, Justine Henning, has written an essay for Vox.com: Science is why my cancer diagnosis isn't a death sentence. Today I march for science. The essay connects her own cancer diagnosis with …
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Tysheina Robertson
Ask your students this question and have everyone answer and then tell them that every town's roads, bus systems, and train systems are designed by civil engineers like Tysheina Robertson. Then read …
What a difference a year makes
This week Math4Science and dozens of supporters celebrated our first year as a 501(c)3 nonprofit with a holiday season house party. “It’s inspiring to bring people together to celebrate what we've …
What’s new from M4S
Many new scientist bios are going up on our website. Read about Engineer Julia Lintern, who helps keep Jet Blue’s passengers safe and has also applied her math skills to designing clothes and puppets. …
William C. Johnson
If you drink juice, water, or milk from a box, you probably take it for granted that the paperboard that the carton is made of won’t let the liquid it contains leak out. And when you reach for a paper …
Wing-Sy DeRieux
In October of 2021, people in the city of Carson, California noticed a bad smell in the air. It gave some of them headaches and seemed to come from the Dominguez Channel, which begins in Carson and …
Winter news
November and December have been wonderful months for Math4Science. Thanks to many hours of work by our staff and the lawyers at O’Melveny & Myers, led by Vladimir Yelizarov and Junaid Chida, we …
Xi Yang
Global Change Ecologist Xi Yang uses drones to gather information about forests. Which trees have meant the most to you? Why: how did you interact with them? According to Guinness …