Many new scientist bios are going up on our website. Read about Engineer Julia Lintern, who helps keep Jet Blue’s passengers safe and has also applied her math skills to designing clothes and puppets. And check out Environmental Scientist T.J. Eatmon, whose students design and run aquaponics systems to breed fish and edible plants. Oceanographer Emmanuel Boss examines the ways light and sound move through water and uses the data he gathers to learn about the contents of Earth’s oceans. And Eric Pallant travels the world to help address environmental and social problems in places as far apart as Meadville, PA, where Pallant teaches Environmental Science at Allegheny College, Haiti, and the Middle East.
We’re also reaching out to top educators (primarily math teachers and school principals) working in the U.S. Lymon Casey, who spent many years teaching math to New York City public high school students and now works with middle school students at the Mandell School, has great suggestions and reports that his colleagues, like him, are excited about M4S. M4S also met with Pamela Mills, who works in science education at CUNY and helped develop the Peer Enabled Restructured Classroom model of teaching. PERC creates and supports Teaching Assistant Scholars, tenth graders who help their ninth grade peers succeed in math and science classes.
Artist David Goldes uses the math and science he learned in graduate school to inform his visual art. Immunologist Kent Teague studies the ways stress affects our immune systems. By the end of the summer, our Meet the Scientists page will tell you about the artwork Goldes creates out of electric circuits he draws and how the high rates of malaria in the Ivory Coast turned Teague, the son of a minister and a musician-librarian, into a scientist.
Know any scientists, engineers, or fantastic math teachers? Let us know about them by contacting Math4Science.