Computer chips process and store much of the information the machines we rely on need to work well. These chips are inside of our cell phones, tablets, and other computers. Each one of them can …
Julia Lintern
Mechanical engineer Julia Lintern applies her creative powers to everything from puppets and clothing to cars and planes. These days, Lintern’s job is to make sure planes are safe, from take-off to …
Rachel Rothman
What’s the fastest speed you have traveled without leaving the ground? Even in a zooming car on the highway, most people never go faster than 60 or 70 miles per hour (mph). Imagine climbing into a …
Yamilée Toussaint
What do the table you sit at, the packages you get in the mail, the building you live in, and lifesaving medical devices you see in hospitals have in common? All of them are created by people like …