It was an exciting summer at Math4Science!
We have focused the first years of our existence building our Explore Science pages to introduce children to a wide array of STEM professionals.
We’ve also designed a math curriculum that combines master teaching techniques with what we’ve been learning from the scientists we profile and begun testing it in New York City-area schools, with exciting results.
This summer we turned our attention to begin building Explore Math, our K-12th grade math units, out of our knowledge of how to teach math effectively while incorporating information about featured STEM professionals in every problem students solve.
Creating this curriculum will require hours and hours of work from experienced educators, designers, coders, and student and adult testers. We have launched a crowdfunding campaign to create a unit for every grade level from K-12, and we hope you, as an early supporter of our efforts, will join us.
We created the first Explore Math unit this summer, introducing middle school students to negative numbers. (The image at the top of this post is part of it). Try it out for yourself, then please help us build more fun, engaging math units by contributing whatever you can, and spreading the word about our campaign to friends and family.
Together, we will improve math education for children across the U.S. and their math teachers and parents. We will succeed in our mission to engage, inspire, and prepare students to become the scientists, computer technologists, engineers, and mathematicians of tomorrow, building and improving our country’s transportation, communication, energy resources, natural environment, entertainment technology, medical care, and more.
Top image: an illustration from our Explore Math curriculum (by Mikaela FIshman)